Thursday, July 15, 2010

General David Poythress called, my Family "Live" in a Town Hall Meeting Phone Call.

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

General David Poythress called, my Family "Live" in a Town Hall Meeting Phone Call. He is personally accepting questions. Great Technology

General David Poythress is running for the Governor of the State of Georgia. He is a Former Sec. of State for Georgia & Adjutant General.

If you receive the call, may I suggest you at least hear what this particular Democratic Candidate says. I hope other Candidates try this...

He is actually asking LIVE Polls while he answer questions, the tools his Campaign Team is utilizing. Great grass roots campaign strategy.

The majority of the questions asked are related to what solutions do he have for Jobs, Healthcare and Education.

General David Poythress gave a great answer regarding the question posed about Small Biz. & HUD Zone Cert. Biz. by C. Henry Adams.

General David Poythress is now polling everyone on the phone asking will they elect him on July 20, 2010 in the 'Primaries'.

General David Poythress says he's seeking the votes of Democrats, Swing Republican Voters who seeking a practical, realistic Candidate.

C. Henry Adams is following this Telephone Call "Live" Town Hall Meeting with Democratic Candidate General David Poythress of 10,000 people.

General David Poythress pledges to NOT take a salary as Governor until the Unemployment Rate is down below 7%.

C. Henry Adams is not campaigning for General David Poythress and invites any GA Candidates to call him for a town hall meeting. (404)348-8319

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities - 'Social Networking with C. Henry Adams & the Krewe (Crew)'

The Syndicated Talk Radio Show is "Social Networking with C. Henry Adams and the Krewe"
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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why and What I Write On The Back Of My Business Cards?

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Morning World! How are you? Fine, I pray. One of the best Marketing Tools in the World! Business Cards.

Before BIE Media Group help you place your Ads on Billboards, in Newspapers, Google and other Broadcast Media; we encourage NETWORKING.

Fore, if you only have a tank of gas in your vehicle, one nice suit and $20 USD in your pocket with a few business cards; you're good to go!

Why? Because, your appearance, your ability to make it to a Networking Event and the Business Card which displays Professionalism, WORKS.

So, why and what do I (C. Henry Adams) write on the back of my business cards? Ans. 1)To prevent & remind. 2) Google 'C. Henry Adams'.

One other thing, it's the 'Thought' that counts. You don't always need a 'Fancy' approach, just a 'Highly Effective' one.

Somebody said, "You write 'prevent & remind' on your biz. cards?" No, we write our name to prevent its use while serving as a reminder.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities - 'Social Networking with C. Henry Adams & the Krewe (Crew)'

The Syndicated Talk Radio Show is "Social Networking with C. Henry Adams and the Krewe"
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Having a 'Vision of Success' in whatever it is you desire to do is one thing, acting upon it while accepting the sacrifices is another.

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening World! How are you? Fine, I pray. Vision, are you willing to sacrifice to make it a Reality?

I've heard many times in my life span on this earth, that "Nothing Good comes Easy." Well, as positive as I am, I believe it to be true.

Why? Well, even with "Natural Ability" recognized by others within YOU; one must fine tune or practice or improve this ability.

Therefore, assuming if you have a Vision for the development of a Business; you NEED to KNOW every aspect of developing and maintaining it.

You need to understand that sacrifices of your livelihood will be made. Furthermore, some people you value may call you 'CRAZY'. But still..

But still, however large or small progress develops as you move forward; continue onward. Just learn to balance your life in the process.

Somebody said, "What do you mean by balancing my life while running my business (Vision), C. Henry?" Answer coming up next...

It is very important to divide your time in a day to do things like show love, eat right, exercise, be spiritual, rest, communicate and work.

Some of the Greatest People in the World who are healthy & successful have balance their lives while making their Vision a Reality.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities - 'Social Networking with C. Henry Adams & the Krewe (Crew)'

The Syndicated Talk Radio Show is "Social Networking with C. Henry Adams and the Krewe"
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Building a bond of friendship in the time of hardship, even with Business Owners is essential. Just know when not to be a liability.

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening World!

How are you? Fine, I pray.

Friendship and Liabilities among Business Owners is the topic.

While attending College years ago, I discovered that my peers were no longer people in my 'age group', but people in my 'economic status'.

That being said, if I was a College Student, then everyone no matter what their age was who attend College, were 'my peers'.

Well, the same principles to a certain extent should apply to small business Owners, thus various associations that have developed.

Developing a bond of friendship among fellow small business owners can be somewhat of a support group when faced with obstacles.

However, if one doesn't learn how to overcome a problem with the support of colleagues and continue to repeat the problem, they become a liability.

How do one become a liability? Giving completely up and constantly relying on others to solve the same issue that is avoidable.

How do one avoid becoming a liability? Facing your fears, consequences of one's actions and taking a leap of faith while trying.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence, can these information gathering processes save our Economy?

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Afternoon,Good Evening and Good Morning World! How are you? Fine, I pray. BI & CI in the Biz. World is suppose to put you in the "Know".

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to techniques used in spotting, digging-out, and analyzing business data.

Competitive Intelligence (CI) defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing Intel about things & environment.

Utilizing BI & CI will definitely benefit a business, but without Good Service, Marketing & Customer Relations Skills they are useless.

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. offers BI & CI services through Business Development Consulting, Marketing & Research. (404) 348-8319.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

When I was a teenager, my late Father used to tell me, "(C. Henry) - you are hard-headed. If I tell you something, its from experience. "

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening World! How are you? Find, I pray. Topic: Sometimes its difficult to give advice to a client.

One of the biggest hurdles in business to overcome in my opinion, is convincing someone to buy what you are selling (Period).

Here's what I know about making a sell:
1) Don't talk too much.
2) Don't talk too little.
3) Don't be afraid of "No".
4) 'Maybe' is a seed.

Somebody said, "Maybe is a seed, WHAT!?" Ans. Just because a Business Owner doesn't buy from you today or even 6 months from now, isn't NO.

If they say 'Maybe' - it's a possibility you have planted a seed and due diligence must apply, alone with 'Follow-ups' and kindness.
Sometimes, we must stumble and fall down to realize that we weren't walking alone when someone help us to get back up. BE THERE TO HELP.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Power of Positive Communications on Social Networks, is there not such a Thing?

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Morning World! How are you? Fine, I pray. Happy Father's Day, Naw I missed fishing yesterday.

Would you say that you are now likely to tune into the Internet faster than TV or Radio?

Think about it before you answer.

Regarding our previous question (The Title), I would say Yes there is definitely a powerful positive influence in the communications on Social Networks.
And as far as Folk tuning into the Internet as oppose to the TV or Radio faster, BIE will share a survey later to find out, but I think- yes.

Where are we going with this?

An example was seeing the 'Happy Father's Day wishes from Folk in the Neighborhood to the US President.

Furthermore, the Internet is no longer seen within just a Desktop Computer, it is found on iPhones, Blackberrys, Nexus and other SmartPhones.
That being said, when I grew up in Atlanta- as a child, I often heard adults speak to each on the street, but didn't know it was viral.
Viral meaning that it starts with one or two people and quickly exponentially expands to thousands. This is true for communications on the Net.

If you project something 'positive' in words to another person on a Social Network- prepare to receive something positive in return.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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Content is one of the keys to keeping your "Bounce Rate" down below 50%. Google Calendar can help.

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Morning World! How are you? Fine, I pray. Talking about Google Calendar and utilizing it as Content!

Before I start on Google Calendar, you can DO wonderful things to your WEB SITE, but if nobody knows about it in the REAL WORLD, why?
That being said, ADVERTISE OUTDOORS & REAL WORLD EFFECTIVELY FOLKS. BIE MEDIA GROUP can help- call or text (404) 348-8319.

Nevertheless, we have been messing around with Google Calendar and finally got it working right Yesterday. Here's what we know about it:

1) Google Calendar works with an ".ics" File from anywhere & Facebook. Email a Facebook Invite to a GMAIL Acct. and add it to Google Calendar.
2) Google Calendar works with Microsoft Outlook.
3) You can make your Google Calendar broadcast to the Public and embed it on your web site.
4) You can TEXT MESSAGE (SMS) an event to your Google Calendar which could be broadcasting "Live" on your Web Site 24/7.

Somebody said, "C. Henry, what the heck is a 'bounce rate'!? Ans. It measures how long the Internet User stays on your site before leaving.

Check out BIE Media Group Networking Calendar TODAY & EVERYDAY Click!

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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'Strategy' is define as the skillful planning and management of anything.

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Morning World! How are you? Fine, I pray. Utilizing Strategy when doing business or not is the topic.

My Late Father once told me, "C. Henry, I don't know how you get into stuff, but somehow you come out smelling like a rose."

To interpret this saying or phrase. He was telling me then that I was capable of solving problems. The developments of being a Strategist.

He would go farther to say, "Don't THINK, KNOW!" If you THINK, its an opinion, but if you KNOW its likely based on a fact.

That being said, when you plan (which actually requires thought or thinking) don't base actions off an "If" factor. Research it, to KNOW.

Creating 'Strategy' regarding anything, requires multiple plans to prepare for failure. Failure is NOT the end, its the beginning to SUCCESS.

Visit BIE Media Group and read about its services:

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. “ Social Networking with C. Henry Adams & The Krewe ” Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities

Social Networking and Social Media has become the fastest growing phenomenon since the end of 2008. There are millions of people who now embrace this form of technology daily. It is not unusual to see, at the base of a business web site, links to their Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts.

But, as these new forms of unified communications develop, do the End Users have the necessary 'know how' and knowledge to effectively gain value from the experience? This is one of many questions that will be address and resolved with practical solutions discussed on ' Social Networking with C. Henry Adams and the Krewe ' Talk Radio Show. This emerging syndicated Talk Radio Show is produced by Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. and will debut on KFNX 1100 AM in Phoenix, Arizona.

Furthermore, it will stream its broadcast on the World Wide Web. Currently, we are seeking National Sponsors and offering unique advertisement opportunities. Would you be so kind to review the attached PDF document, to learn more about this unique opportunity? It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for any consideration and please feel free to contact me directly at (404) 348-8319 for more information.


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319 Office

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