Sunday, October 6, 2019

An Angel Said, ' No One Cares For You Is A Lie '

by C. Henry Adams

One night during a troubling season in my life, I awaken from my sleep to realize the sayings of an Angel.

" No one cares for you is a lie.  Why do I say these things and what proof do we (Other Angels) possess?

Perhaps, if you are a Believer in God and have gathered with other Believers to pray for those people unknown to you all, it was proof of caring.

As you go through daily struggles, financial mishaps, health issues all throughout life -

Know that - someone, somewhere, somehow prayed that your very soul will overcome ill will, poverty,  bad health of all kinds, as well as, many misfortunes of any kind.

Yet, to receive these blessings, that fall from the heavens; you must continue to believe regardless of how weary you become in life. 

Be encourage, now Go Encourage Others Liken Unto You!  Amen.

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