Sunday, April 28, 2019

Are You of an Eagle, Owl, Parrot or Dove Character?

                                          Dr. Roger W. Garret in Downtown Atlanta

by C. Henry Adams

I can hear someone say, " C. Henry Adams, what does the ' Species of Birds '  got to do with my character!? " (Possibly an Owl).

In my reply, I would state, that it is an effort to help develop your "Soft Skills or People Skills".

To expound, to the best of my ability; allow me to tell you a very short story.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sat in a fortune 500 Company's training session, whereas, I heard the lecture of Dr. Roger W. Garret.

Dr Garret is a professor at Georgia State University that developed a Behavior Assessment System design to teach individuals, as well as, professionals a better way to approach people in life, quite simply stated.

He wrote the book, ' Who Moved My KEYS? '

In a recent blog article, I alluded to a plethora of wealth through wisdom by simply keeping Family & Friends in your life.   Dr. Garret's teachings helps one to make assessments while developing this well being.

Purchase Book here:


C. Henry Adams
977 Montreal Rd
Box 1089
Clarkston, Georgia 30021

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Monday, April 22, 2019

The Definition of Wealth According to Marion Lewis Adams, Sr.

by C. Henry Adams

Roughly 24 years ago in June of 1995, my former Soulmate (Former Wife) & I  visited my parents who once lived in the Community of Collier Heights; within a little known subdivision called, ' Kevin Heights ' - located off of Tribble Lane & Linkwood Road; Northwest Atlanta, Georgia.

This particular visit was unique in many ways, fore, it would be the last time that I would see my Father alive, speak with or even do the rarest of things with him - hug.

This particular visit was also where a Father presented his youngest son, one of the greatest gifts that he could ever part with as a result of the fruits of his labors.

Therefore, to be blessed time and time again, knowingly or unknowingly; it is my humble desire to share that very gift with you the reader.

To do so, allow me to finish telling this true story to the best of my knowledge.

I sat down with Marion Lewis Adams, Sr. and I told him, " Daddy, I just came by to thank you and Momma for everything that you all have done for me and I love you.

During the course of the conversation with him, he told me the greatest secret of wealth that could be beneficial to all that listen while learning from it for decades to come.

He said, " Close your mouth and open your ears.  I'm going to tell you the definition of wealth."

Then, he said, " Wealth is not the amount of money you keep in your pockets or possess. But, it is the Family and Friends that you keep. These are your resources. Fore you see, with Family whether they are blood relatives (genetically connected) or NOT , as well as, Friends - you have formed BONDS for years. Therefore, things or objects that people with money could not easily obtain,
you will receive with ease. "
Think about what has been said and ponder on this thought while being proactive regarding this matter for decades to come!


C. Henry Adams
Benefits Advisor
977 Montreal Rd
Box 1089
Clarkston, Georgia 30021
CHA Linkedin 
(404) 254-7187

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