Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Building a bond of friendship in the time of hardship, even with Business Owners is essential. Just know when not to be a liability.

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening World!

How are you? Fine, I pray.

Friendship and Liabilities among Business Owners is the topic.

While attending College years ago, I discovered that my peers were no longer people in my 'age group', but people in my 'economic status'.

That being said, if I was a College Student, then everyone no matter what their age was who attend College, were 'my peers'.

Well, the same principles to a certain extent should apply to small business Owners, thus various associations that have developed.

Developing a bond of friendship among fellow small business owners can be somewhat of a support group when faced with obstacles.

However, if one doesn't learn how to overcome a problem with the support of colleagues and continue to repeat the problem, they become a liability.

How do one become a liability? Giving completely up and constantly relying on others to solve the same issue that is avoidable.

How do one avoid becoming a liability? Facing your fears, consequences of one's actions and taking a leap of faith while trying.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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