Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fighting Pressure with Pressure will stop the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

By C. Henry Adams
2010 Copyright Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. All Rights Reserved

If you ask me today, 'What's on your mind, C. Henry Adams?' I would likely tell you that the consequences of not stopping the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico is definitely on my mind.

Why is it on my mind? Because, believe it or not, I realize that if something is not done very very soon, its effects will be knocking on my front door one day. Figuratively Speaking

So, what do we do?

Well, utilizing PURE SPECULATION & DIVINE GUIDANCE again, the answer is to fight pressure with pressure.

There is a force that's pushing the crude oil and natural gas out of the ground. Therefore, to stop it, there is a need to create a powerful force built in a mechanism that will collapse the hole made, and seal the leak in a matter of seconds.

Following this process, the well should be buried and rendered useless, as well as, restricted until technology is developed to better utilize or retrieve this resource at that depth of 5,000 ft. below sea level or more.

Then, the next step would be to implement a deep water clean-up process that must be commenced to remove the remanent petroleum products that appear as 'plume-like clouds' in the Ocean.

This is a snippet of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. Concept on how to stop the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

What do you think?
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