Sunday, June 27, 2010

When I was a teenager, my late Father used to tell me, "(C. Henry) - you are hard-headed. If I tell you something, its from experience. "

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening World! How are you? Find, I pray. Topic: Sometimes its difficult to give advice to a client.

One of the biggest hurdles in business to overcome in my opinion, is convincing someone to buy what you are selling (Period).

Here's what I know about making a sell:
1) Don't talk too much.
2) Don't talk too little.
3) Don't be afraid of "No".
4) 'Maybe' is a seed.

Somebody said, "Maybe is a seed, WHAT!?" Ans. Just because a Business Owner doesn't buy from you today or even 6 months from now, isn't NO.

If they say 'Maybe' - it's a possibility you have planted a seed and due diligence must apply, alone with 'Follow-ups' and kindness.
Sometimes, we must stumble and fall down to realize that we weren't walking alone when someone help us to get back up. BE THERE TO HELP.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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