Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why and What I Write On The Back Of My Business Cards?

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Morning World! How are you? Fine, I pray. One of the best Marketing Tools in the World! Business Cards.

Before BIE Media Group help you place your Ads on Billboards, in Newspapers, Google and other Broadcast Media; we encourage NETWORKING.

Fore, if you only have a tank of gas in your vehicle, one nice suit and $20 USD in your pocket with a few business cards; you're good to go!

Why? Because, your appearance, your ability to make it to a Networking Event and the Business Card which displays Professionalism, WORKS.

So, why and what do I (C. Henry Adams) write on the back of my business cards? Ans. 1)To prevent & remind. 2) Google 'C. Henry Adams'.

One other thing, it's the 'Thought' that counts. You don't always need a 'Fancy' approach, just a 'Highly Effective' one.

Somebody said, "You write 'prevent & remind' on your biz. cards?" No, we write our name to prevent its use while serving as a reminder.

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities - 'Social Networking with C. Henry Adams & the Krewe (Crew)'

The Syndicated Talk Radio Show is "Social Networking with C. Henry Adams and the Krewe"
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