Thursday, September 26, 2013

Well, Its (6) Days Until Oct. 1st 2013 Obamacare Enrollment

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by  C. Henry Adams

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("ACA") aka ("Obamacare")

Since Monday, Sept. 23rd 2013, I've been listening to the news on the Radio, watching TV, reading social media  comments, having conversations with individuals, as well as, reading documents regarding Obamacare.

Thus, I've come to the following conclusions:

1) Many people may or may not become confuse regarding enrollment in Obamacare starting Oct. 1st 2013.

2) The Clark Howard Show has a pretty good Podcast in my opinion of a previous broadcast regarding a Special Edition on Obamacare.

3) Republican Senator Cruz of Texas filibustered for 21 hours hoping to defund Obamacare on Sept. 24th 2013.

4) There are four packages (Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum) regarding various Healthcare Insurance Premiums that individuals can choose from on the Healthcare Insurance Exchange starting Oct. 1st 2013.

5) Individuals can opt out of getting healthcare insurance by paying from $95.00 USD up to 1% of their salary in penalties according to the IRS for 18 months.

6) There are eligibility requirements to receive subsidies to lower your healthcare insurance premium should you elect to purchase.

I'm going to stop here and let you review our findings for your own research.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, thanks!

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