Friday, September 20, 2013

Not Seeing Eye To Eye, But Moving In The Right Direction

Notice: Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

By C. Henry Adams

Today, I received a telephone call and email from a Colleague who clearly does not see eye to eye with me regarding a certain business opportunity.  In fact, this person made it clear that all talks of business were off.

So, how do I react to this particular situation due to unforeseen circumstances completely out of my control?  Let's see, well I could reach out to the person and give them a piece of my mind - then hang up, but that would perhaps be immature.

Instead, I realize that I should let peace and harmony prevail while agreeing to disagree, yet, continuing to move forward.

Let's just say, I decided to shake the dust from my shoes and carry-on with business in another direction from that particular situation.

Is it a " constant  " to think that we as people will not always be on the same level or levels of thinking while moving forward in life?

Would it be sane to think that what we might think of as " insane " in the head of another person regarding business or even Worldly Affairs could one day prove logical to some degree?

Often times - lately,  I've recalled my late Father's wisdom through cliche(s) he would share with me as I grew from a young child to a young man.

Here is one....   "Slow your roll, focus and what you seek will come to you."

It is interpreted in my opinion as meaning to apply " Due Diligence ".

I can hear someone saying, " But, how does " Due Diligence " apply to two people not seeing eye to eye? "

My Reply:  A number of times when two people going in the same direction regarding a business standpoint doesn't see eye to eye it could be the following:

1)  Alone their journey, they have encountered a problem or obstacle restricting them.

2)  As a result of the problem or obstacle in the way, the two people might developed different ways, ideas or solutions to resolving the problem , yet,  no agreement is made to use one solution together.

3)  If neither party has faced this particular problem or obstacle before, finding the workable solution may take time from the journey. 

Patience is a virtue and makes the workable solution or solutions clear to visualize.  Failure to comply to patience could be an end result in reaching no workable solution.

So what is the recourse?   Perhaps, if not seeing eye to eye causes confusion, its best to make peace while moving forward on your own regarding the " Business " discussion at hand.

This is just an opinion, what are your thoughts? 

C. Henry

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  1. We think all possible solutions should be aired and recorded. Then develop pros and cons list. Why? Because maybe each has neglected to share a tiny bit of information that will make a difference (communication). Then after working through the possibilities and thinking about resource allocations an amicable, carefully thought out solution will be rendered and engaged. {Business Needs & More - Consultants)


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