Saturday, September 28, 2013

Loop Holes: (4) Four Days To Obamacare Enrollment

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

By C. Henry Adams

In my professional opinion, there are likely ' loop holes ' built-in every US Law.  But, what do I know about laws, fore, I'm not a Lawyer. 

However, ' statutory exemptions ' found on the IRS web page called, 'Questions and Answers on the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision'  says a lot.  

For clarifications purposes, I'm referring to ' statutory exemption ' as a ' loop hole ', although some people may or may not agree with my observation.

Below is what I found regarding statutory exemptions:

1) If you are a member of a recognized Religious Sect per the Social Security Administration,you could plead 'religious conscience'  to statutory exempt yourself from the ACA.

2) If you are a member of a recognized Health care sharing ministry, you could be statutory exempt from the ACA.

3) If you are a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe, you are statutory exempt.

4) If your income is below the minimum threshold for filing a tax return, you could be statutory exempt.

5) Something regarding 'short coverage gap' where you weren't covered for less than three consecutive months during the year could make you statutory exempt.

6) If the Health Insurance Marketplace or Affordable Insurance Exchange certify that you  suffered a hardship you could be statutory exempt.

7) If the Healthcare Premium is more than eight percent ( 8% ) of your household income you could be statutory exempt.

8) If you are in jail, prison, or similar penal institution or correctional facility AFTER the disposition of charges against you could make you statutory exempt.

9) If you leave the US and no longer are a US Citizen or US National, as well as, alien lawfully present in the US, you could be statutory exempt.

An old cliche comes to mind, ' There is more than one way to skin a cat. ' 

So, what are your thoughts regarding our findings?


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