Friday, June 25, 2010

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. “ Social Networking with C. Henry Adams & The Krewe ” Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities

Social Networking and Social Media has become the fastest growing phenomenon since the end of 2008. There are millions of people who now embrace this form of technology daily. It is not unusual to see, at the base of a business web site, links to their Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts.

But, as these new forms of unified communications develop, do the End Users have the necessary 'know how' and knowledge to effectively gain value from the experience? This is one of many questions that will be address and resolved with practical solutions discussed on ' Social Networking with C. Henry Adams and the Krewe ' Talk Radio Show. This emerging syndicated Talk Radio Show is produced by Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. and will debut on KFNX 1100 AM in Phoenix, Arizona.

Furthermore, it will stream its broadcast on the World Wide Web. Currently, we are seeking National Sponsors and offering unique advertisement opportunities. Would you be so kind to review the attached PDF document, to learn more about this unique opportunity? It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for any consideration and please feel free to contact me directly at (404) 348-8319 for more information.


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319 Office

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fighting Pressure with Pressure will stop the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

By C. Henry Adams
2010 Copyright Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. All Rights Reserved

If you ask me today, 'What's on your mind, C. Henry Adams?' I would likely tell you that the consequences of not stopping the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico is definitely on my mind.

Why is it on my mind? Because, believe it or not, I realize that if something is not done very very soon, its effects will be knocking on my front door one day. Figuratively Speaking

So, what do we do?

Well, utilizing PURE SPECULATION & DIVINE GUIDANCE again, the answer is to fight pressure with pressure.

There is a force that's pushing the crude oil and natural gas out of the ground. Therefore, to stop it, there is a need to create a powerful force built in a mechanism that will collapse the hole made, and seal the leak in a matter of seconds.

Following this process, the well should be buried and rendered useless, as well as, restricted until technology is developed to better utilize or retrieve this resource at that depth of 5,000 ft. below sea level or more.

Then, the next step would be to implement a deep water clean-up process that must be commenced to remove the remanent petroleum products that appear as 'plume-like clouds' in the Ocean.

This is a snippet of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. Concept on how to stop the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

What do you think?
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Monday, June 7, 2010

Is this Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Unstoppable or can BP Stop it with (2) Relief Wells and Cement?

By C. Henry Adams

First, I would like to express my condolences to the families of the 11 people who lost their lives on the Deepwater Horizon Offshore Oil Rig.

Second, I would like to pray for the livelihood of all People who rely on the Gulf of Mexico to thrive.

Moreover, I would like to pray that our Nation recover quickly from this ordeal in the next few days, weeks and months to follow.

The question Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ("BIE") ask:
Is this Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Unstoppable or can BP Stop it with (2) Relief Wells and Cement?

BIE noted the following on PURE SPECULATION:


* BP the biggest Partner involved with this incident has now failed for over 45 days to stop this Oil Well completely from spewing Crude Oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

* It was stated that the well is located about 5,000 feet below sea level and NO safe guards of any kind existed regarding this major accident.

* It is understood that to measure "atmosphere or ambient pressure"; every 32 feet below sea level equals 1 atmosphere ("atm"). If you divide 5000 ft. below sea level by every 32 ft. below sea level, you get 156.25 ambient pressure or atmosphere. 156.25 = the ambient pressure or atmosphere in 5,000 feet deep water- roughly speaking. Click!

* To get the pound-force per square inch "(psi)", multiply 156.25 times 14.696 which equals about 2,296.25 (psi). Click!

* 2,296.25 psi would crush a Human Being swimming in 5000 feet deep water in certain scuba gear. Click!

* Now, let's say its 89 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level above the waters where the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig was located. Well, it is understood by BIE that if you descend 32 feet at a time in the sea, the atmosphere changes.

* Convert 89 degrees Fahrenheit to 31.67 degrees in Celsius.

* Convert 31.67 degrees to 304.82 degrees (rounded up) in Kelvin.

* Utilizing PURE SPECULATION, and this formula for temperature where P= pressure, V= Volume in Liters, divided by n= number of moles and R= equals to the Universal Gas Constant T = PV/nR, the temperature.


Gas Constant:

* For Instructional Purposes Only: BIE assumes P= 156.25 atm at 5,000 or 2,296.25 psi at 5,000 feet deep in the sea.

* For Instructional Purposes Only: BIE assumes V= 1M gallons of water or 3.785 x 1,000,000 = 3,785,000 L

* For Instructional Purposes Only: BIE assumes n= 1M gallons of water or 3,780,000,000 grams of water times 1 mole of water divided by 18.02 g/mol grams per molecular mass = 210,000,000 mole water.


* For Instructional Purposes Only: BIE assumes U.S. Standard Atmosphere R= 8.31432 J/mol-K


* T = PV/nR or the temperature at 5,000 feet deep water assuming 156.25 atm (P) x 3,785,000 L (V) / 210,000,000 mole (n) x 8.31432 (R) = 23.414 (T).

Note: THIS IS PROBABLY WRONG. Also, Sodium which we often used to break up ice was NOT included in this MATH. Sea water has sodium in it. Furthermore, if (T) = Kelvins, then in Fahrenheit this equals -417.52 degrees Fahrenheit

Here's our point, let's say BP drills two relief wells 18,000 feet below sea level about 3 miles into the sea bed and utilized Portland Type 5 cement to shore up the spill.

How will they be successful in this extremely cold environment pumping CEMENT into a hole when it is known not to bond well in the cold with or without an accelerator chemical?

So, what do you think now about what BP is doing to shore up the OIL SPILL?

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

'I Ain't Nobody Unless You Are Somebody With Me.'

By C. Henry Adams President & CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
April 24th, 2010 5:58 pm EST

Teamwork could be defined as an organization of people that labors, perform a series of tasks or conduct duties together. A Team Player is an Individual that may have an unique job to do, but their overall objective is to support something or a group bigger than themselves.

There is an old and legendary saying passed on to me by my Late Father and many other people I know, it states, "There are no big 'I(s)' or little 'U(s)', we are all working together".

Now, I can hear somebody mumbling under their voice saying, ' What does that mean?'

In Southern American Dialect- 'Layman terms', it simply means, 'I Ain't Nobody Unless You Are Somebody With Me.'

Furthermore, it could be interpreted as saying, we are great working together in whatever task set forth before us, rather than apart.

Therefore, if you want to get alone with your spouse, if you want to work well in the office or in the field with fellow employees, you have to be inclusive and not exclusive.

So, what do you think?

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.("BIE"). BIE is a business development and telecommunications consulting firm established in 1998. It offers an array of services from Consulting, Marketing, Research, Multi-Media Development to Seminars or Lectures given by the aforementioned Gentleman above.

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'The Opportunities For Success Starts When You Grasp Hold Of Them In Your Mind, 1st!'

By C. Henry Adams President & CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
April 24th, 2010 4:17 pm EST

This is my first Blog, Article, Series of words that create a sentence, that leads to a statement where I have not purposely wrote things out in advance to draw some kind of conclusion of thought to share with you.

Somebody said, 'Say what!?'

OK, in other words, I have been practicing this blog writing stuff for so long, not saying at all that I'm perfect at it; nevertheless, I might understand how to be effective at getting your attention, thus "Success".

Basically, the opportunities for success starts when you grasp hold of them in your mind, 1st! Fore, nothing ever created was done without thought, planning and of course, trials with error.

In fact, just yesterday - somebody like me lost all of their data or experienced a minor disaster; you just like I, could have thought it was a major one, where we both lost work that took hours to perform.

But, guess what? If you are still here, living, breathing and able to start all over again; this time, apply multiple safe guards. Then, that lesson has been learn. So, move onward, continue to move forward.

Somebody said, 'C. Henry Adams, now, are you stating that we should have a "Positive Mental Attitude" and stop worrying about what happen in the past to control our present while making success a real possibility in our future?'

The answer is absolutely, "Yes".

Before somebody ask, below are my personal steps to creating a successful venture of any kind as follows:

1) Put your Deity 1st, if you have a faith or religion, pray to tune into your spiritual abilities.

2) Be yourself, be confident even in defiance, even when you see that there is a problem.

3) Finding multiple solutions to whatever uncertainty, requires that you stop worrying period or forget about it, literally walk away from it to clear your mind. Then, regroup and approach it again.

4) Once you have unobstructed your mind of the situation by not thinking about it or by preoccupying yourself with something peaceful, cheerful or quiet; you should be able to specifically start focusing on remedies to narrow your thoughts down to one ideal answer.

5) Success comes in big or small packages. (Figure of Speech) If you stop, think, comprehend and make multiple mental or written plans, you will eventually succeed.

So, what do you think?

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.("BIE"). BIE is a business development and telecommunications consulting firm established in 1998. It offers an array of services from Consulting, Marketing, Research, Multi-Media Development to Seminars or Lectures given by the aforementioned Gentleman above.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Technically, there is nothing FREE when it comes to WiFi

Technically, there is nothing FREE when it comes to WiFi. Not to burst your bubble, but if I owned a place of business where I'm offering a service or product, whereas, we had FREE WiFi- it would be to increase sells, period.

So, think of it this way, in the terms of a vending machine. When I was in college about two decades ago; someone (A Colleague) figured out the 40 or so items in the vending machine costing on average at that time about 50 US Cents with each item having about say 20 pieces. That's 40 times point 50 times 20 equaling to about $400.00 USD twice reloaded (The Vending Machine being refilled 2 times per week) per week. Thus, we are looking at about $3,200.00 USD per month at roughly from August of one year to April of the following year at a grand total of a minimum of $25,600.00 USD. This was the estimated monies collected from one vending machine of (4) four vending machines in the same area back in the late 1980's.

Therefore, my point is quite simple. Install Wifi in your shop, ice cream parlor, sandwich shop , coffee shop, tire shop or whatever. Offer a small item invested in and design to pay for the "Free WiFi" service that would be rendered. If you multiply these single units to about five or ten items, they could yield additional income if properly researched and examine carefully. Not to mention, paying for the (SECURED) Internet Service you provided for "FREE"

These items should be targeted to the individuals who come into your shop or place of business to utilize your "FREE" WiFi at very affordable rates like below $1.00 USD.

You think that's CRAZY?

Let's go a step further and say that you have a Unified Communications Systems installed in your place of business. You provide "FREE" WiFi while the Potential Customer or Client waits to be service or wait to purchase a product. This Unified Communications System, provides temporary internal connections for the Client to communicate with your staff, it provides "FREE" Internet, it also gives the Client access to "FREE" VoIP calls as well. Furthermore, it SHOULD provide a Privacy Policy and a Disclaimer informing the Customer that utilize this Service, certain features may be monitored by your Cyber Security Staff.

Note: Please check Federal, State & Local laws before monitoring your Guest to make certain this is in fact legal.

Does offering "FREE" WiFi sounds interesting now? Well, good- now let's consider this approach if we may add below:

1) Know your target market (Customers, who might utilize this service & drive income into your business small or large.)

a) Perform a survey regarding the needs or desires of the customer.

2) Without the use of a Unified Communications System, have a wireless network available for the clients or potential clients that is secured and slightly restricted.

3) Place Signage of your Company's Privacy Policy and Disclaimer inside your Intranet and on your facility walls warning Potential Users about the usage of the "FREE" WiFi Network.

4) Place an Indemnification Statement inside your Intranet and on your facility walls warning the same Potential Users that you will not be responsible for unusual occurrences that could damage their computers, PDA(s) or other telecommunication items utilized to communicate electronically.

5) Consult a local Insurance Agent regarding your policy to protect your business from any unusual circumstances if you are NOT sure your business is covered.

6) Find Sponsors if you are a Small Business to help pay for the service, utilize Survey findings & records of sales or number of customers on average daily to convince Sponsors to support your cause.

7) Hire a Marketing /or IT related Firm (BIE, INC. <404> 348-8319) to assist you in the development of this venture, as well as, to perform research.

8) Implement a "BETA" period to see if it would work for your organization. Utilize this time to create a workable system design to develop a great business model specifically catered to your company.

9) During this duration, don't be afraid to FAIL. The objective is to learn from your failures and continue forward. Make a wise determination based on feasibility and maintenance.

That's my professional thoughts, what are yours?


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "


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Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here's My Card, Give Me A Call When You Are Ready To Market

BIE has been utilizing Google Analytics as a guiding light for just about all of it client's web site. But, if the client does not have the time or make the time to learn this unique application through BIE's Training, then we find ourselves saying,

"Here's my card, give me a call when you are ready to market"

Moreover, to drive DIRECT TRAFFIC to your business via the Internet, you need to know who, what, when, where, why and how.

I recall one day showing a client how successful they appeared in the search engine listing, but how poorly they perform in the 'DIRECT TRAFFIC' category utilizing Google Analytics.

What this told us is that the Client was NOT placing their web site address out there in periodicals or on billboards as we suggested. They were not encouraging Folks to visit or even asking them to simply "Google" them or go to Google and type in their name.

Moreover, BIE also has been creating a web of networks for clients for several years now by taking advantage of submitting their clients into multiple business directories. You might say, so what does this do?

Well, on the web, one web site will not solve your problems. Having multiple mini sites whereas you don't spend money to setup, which eventually link back to your web site- benefits your web presence, as well as, business.

When we build a web site these days, we tell the clients this blunt truth. But, usually due to budget shortfalls, some of our clients can not afford all of the services we offer at once.

Therefore, if we come back to them later and suggest that they create visibility for "Free" in multiple online business directories and they don't listen, we know what's next.

"Here's my card, give me a call when you are ready to market"

Developing a successful web presence is not a quick process, it can not happen in a week if other people never heard of it or seen it in some form of mainstream media.

Keyword: "Mainstream Media"

Therefore, you have to invest and divest funds in advertising in the right periodicals or outdoor venue media(s), at the right time to further the reach of your business.

So, what do you think?

"Here's my electronic card below, please feel free to give a call or a text to learn how BIE could assist you."


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "


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Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

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Unified Communications says, "Green" not "Red"

I understand Unified Communications to be a combination of many types of protocols and programs built into one telecommunications package.

In other words, you have your Voicemail, your Instant Messaging, your Email, your Internet, your SMS or Text Messaging wrapped up in a console that offer Digital Telephone or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) on one Telecommunications System.

Can you imagine just for a moment walking into the Doctor's Office and the Receptionist ask your name, then say within a few seconds, the Doctor will see you shortly. But, the Receptionist never picked up the telephone or perform a shout-out over the Intercom. Instead, the Receptionist Instant Message the Medical Assistant to inform that person of your arrival.

Now, that was just one scenario. Another situation could play out in a Restaurant, where the Maitred or Headwaiter contacts a Waiter located in the Kitchen via Instant Messenger to inform them that a Guest needed to be seated in station 50.

My point is simple, Unified Communications is apart of the Information Technology Revolution. Like RSS (Really Simple Syndication), it is a popular social media tool similar to Twitter in some instances, but could be built internally into your local computer network or telecommunication system in your place of business. Not to mention that you can also integrate Social Networks into a Secured Unified Communications System Today.

Furthermore, properly implemented and utilized, a Secured Unified Communications System could increase productivity and improve Customer Service, thus building green dollars in revenue.

So, what do you know about Unified Communications Systems? Please take a moment and click here to take a brief survey (

Also, Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. offers Unified Communications Systems to Small & Medium-sized business; for more information, please feel free to call or text us at (404) 348-8319.


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "


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Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

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Learning To Stop Worrying

This thing, "worry" effects all of us no matter, what race, creed, religion or national origin that we currently are, ever was or will be. I would like to beg the pardon of those Individuals who do not believe as I. I will not deny my God.

However, I ask that you, whoever you are, simply read an email below and click the link to read a 62 year old book that maybe helpful to anybody with an open mind.


Ladies & Gentlemen,

I been reading this 62 yr. old book called, "How To Stop Worrying And Start Living", by Dale Carnegie for the past 3 weeks. And I'm here to tell you now, it is no doubt a "God Sent".

How do I know? Well, because one of my Mentors, Mr. W. - A Very Successful Businessman, kept talking about Dale Carnegie this, Dale Carnegie that. Well, Lord behold - I was visiting with another Mentor - Dr. N A and the book appeared on her bookshelf.

When I saw the name Carnegie and open the book, a bell immediately rung. I knew then that it was not a coincidence.

Anyway, in today's Economy- we really need to apply the 'common sense values' that we currently have in all of us over the age of 35 to stop worrying. This book reminds us.

Please click the link below to download the book to your computer in Adobe PDF, then save it to your computer.

I'm asking that you read from page 6 (The Preface) to page 35. If you don't like it, erase it. When you find yourself reading beyond page 35, read on. Good Fortune and may God Bless You!



C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "


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Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

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Friday, February 26, 2010

DNS Security Issues Are Real, People!

Before the eve of my 40th birthday, if you asked me, "C. what's all this talk about DNS Security Issues?" I probably would have said, " I don't know, but we will research it and get right back with you.

Well, today approximately- 48 hours later, we don't "think" we got a grasp on DNSSEC (Domain Name Server Security) related issues, we know that we do.

Why? Well, it appears we have been made a target in some Hacker or Group of Hackers game utilizing the Yahoo Search Engine.

How do we know? Well, I'm going to try and put the explanation in layman terms in this blog to give you a clearer understanding. I don't challenge any experts to dispute our findings, I invite legitimate Cyber Security Experts (Anonymous, if need be.) to concur or correct me along this epic journey in the World of Computers or Information Technology.

Anyway, please prepare to take mental notes and I will talk in bullet points beyond this statement below:

* When building a marketing image on the Internet through various web sites and social networks, it is not conceited to look up your Brand Name or Company Name, it is in fact a wise thing to do. This allows you to identify your reach and your audience.

* Wednesday Feb. 24th, 2010 - A BIE Official was researching "C. Henry Adams & BIE" on the Internet through (3) three main search engines (Google, Bing & Yahoo). The objective was to identify whether or not input purposely submitted was actually being found somewhere on the Worldwide Web. Note: A Trade secret Strategy

* It was discovered that "C. Henry Adams & BIE" was found to be associated with the following websites below to name a few:


Note: All of these web sites are properly registered with a group called IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ) and if this was not true, you would not be able to access them via their domain name on the Net.

I can hear somebody saying right now, "So, what's the problem, I don't understand."

My answer: Alright, standby- we are going to explain this situation coming up.

* Well, apparently Hackers (The Bad Guys in Black Hats) have figured out how to either create or manipulate a DNS (Domain Name Server). By placing "False" Domain Names on web pages to fool you and redirect links to an unnamed server (computer that works with & connects to the Internet to send data) which will then inadvertently download an executable file (A computer program that ends in ---> .exe or sometimes disguised as ---> .tmp) to your computer causing very serious damage beyond your own imagination. Note: NOT ALL '.exe' files are BAD.

Note: What we just stated is not a Fairy Tale or a joke, it is a reality in the real sense and we recommend that you read these statements above several times to try and comprehend what is being said if you don't understand.

Now, you may ask, well Mr. Adams, how do you know these things and how do it apply to your Brand Name & Company?

* Ok, as the BIE Official scanned the web page results found on the Yahoo Search Engine web site, it was discovered that someone had purposely created a link pulled by the Yahoo Search Engine that had:

1) " C. Henry " or

2) " December 18 or 19, 2009 C Henry "

in blue and in the description somewhere "C. Henry Adams is President & CEO of BIE, Inc."

These two particular type links described above were shown in illustration yesterday in our Press Release. But, to review them, click on our BIE CYBER TEAM Page Below:

* Now, to determine if the Domain Names which falsely identified with the links were real, BIE CYBER TEAM performed a simple tracking test which is also illustrated in the above web page. What this tracking test or program found suggested that the Domain Names were not registered with IANA at that time nor was there an IP (Internet Protocol) Address assigned to them, thus an indicator of an DNSSEC issue that Yahoo has not solved.

Before I go, below is some recent articles posted on the Net related to this issue to read:

1) Intel latest to admit January hacking attack

2) Attack Unmasks User Behind The Browser

3) Comcast (finally) brings security extensions to DNS

BIE CYBER TEAM Theory of Cyber Attack:

a) Hacker hacks DNS (server) or creates a redirect computer program to a computer that downloads bad files to Unsuspected Internet User's Computer.

b) Unsuspected Internet User has broadband connection to the Internet and works from home sometimes on a particular computer.

c) Unsuspected Internet User utilize a Internet Browser that does not protect them from connecting to bad web sites that auto download bad files.

d) Major Internet Companies fail to install DNSSEC software to protect their Unsuspected Internet Users.

e) Hacker utilize espionage techniques to gather bits and pieces about a particular or targeted Unsuspected Internet User to access a major company.

f) When the Hacker succeeds with their constant approach, the Unsuspected Internet User & Major Company loses.

Preventive Maintenance:
1) Train and educated Unsuspected Internet User
2) Turn-off the computer when not in use on a Broadband Connection.
3) Utilize an Internet Browser that protects Unsuspected Internet Users from connecting to bad web sites.
4) Be Vigilant & Report all Internet Incidents to US

So, what are your thoughts?


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "

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Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

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