Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taken From The Book Of A Lot Of Mentors I Know

By C. Henry Adams President / CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

Quick, let me speak on things before they escape my mind.

I can hear somebody saying now, "What things C. Henry?"

My answer may be simple or long-winded, you make the choice, but here goes something.

As a business owner leaving off the word "small" for a moment; I have lately found myself doing the following things below and its all because of the Mentors I have in my life:

1) Thinking then knowing before creating an action in life.

2) Maintaining a positive mental attitude.

3) Reaching way down within one's self mentally to conjure up strength and fight the unknown, as well as, known fears.

4) Walking really by faith and definitely not by my own sight or other people's sight.

5) Being fed up with the 'BS' (And it does not mean 'Beautiful Summer' neither.) and immediately acting by first being proactive in your mind, then seeking wisdom and advice.

6) Before taking a bold action, pray over it and over again.

7) Consider carefully before you act on the plan you created that may be simple or complex.

8) Act on whatever it is you so dare to do with Faith, but know that it must be right and not wrong in any sense of the word.

Did you sense redundancy in the above points or bullet statements? If the answer is "Yes", you got it and you will get it.

If the answer is "No", because you have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, guess what? You don't got it. Before you get frustrated, walk away from this blog and take a mental break, then come back and read it again.

BTW or by the way, that was number 9.

{Repeating it here:} 9) Don't get frustrated with things you don't understand. Furthermore, don't give in, give out or give up on comprehending them neither. Instead, walk away from the problem or things that you don't understand and clear your mind, likely by setting in a quiet place for an example, then try it again until you get it right. Utilizing this process as a cycle to comprehend does work for me. However, note your own method may be slightly different.

Alright, the list of things can go on and on. However, I have chosen to stop here.

So, what do you think?

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