Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The One 'Golden Egg' That Is Real

By C. Henry Adams

(A Micro-blog written May 31st, 2011)

Greetings Everyone, I hope this micro-blog finds you well and ready for the Summer. Well, at least in North America anyways.

Hi, I'm C. Henry Adams and before I run my mouth briefly here, please excuse my grammatical errors in advance. I'm human.

This Summer, I would like to encourage everyone to have a positive mental attitude. Why? Because that's the one 'golden egg' that is real.

When I say 'golden egg', I'm figuratively speaking. However, the majority of successful business men & women I call Mentors have PMA.

PMA = positive mental attitude or the 'Golden Egg'. Now, alone with your Golden Egg (PMA), you need 'Hope' to go alone with your 'Faith'.

Look at hope as being proactive to plan or setting a goal you will accomplish with Faith. Faith, you can not see, but believe mentally.

Finally, we have learn that promoting on social media sites, billboards or business cards is NOT enough; you must have PMA, Hope & Faith.

C. Henry Adams is President /CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - A Business Development & Telecom Consulting Firm (404) 348-8319

Fri. May 27th 2011 MBC Scholarship Walk-A-Thon - Nan Ross

C. Henry Adams story telling and digital images of the event.


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