Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Are Several Ways To Inspire Employees And Yourself To Build A Successful Business?

What Are Several Ways To Inspire Employees And Yourself To Build A Successful Business? How about your "you-got-tos". Everybody has "you-got-tos". We share with you our "you-got-tos" to encourage you to develop your own "you-got-tos."

1) You got to put God 1st.
2) You got to use discernment.
3) You got to surround yourself with positive thinking and doing people.
4) You got to associate yourself with like-minded people.
5) You got to be determine to fight against all odds with the help of God.
6) You definitely got to be patient.
7) You got to be a Leader & a Follower.
8) You got to be a person of your Word.
9) You got to know what you are getting into before you get into it.
10) You got to have multiple "Plans of Actions".
11) You got to be positive.
12) You got to be slow to judge and quick to act at the right time.
13) You got to take whatever journey that is meant for you to take.
14) You got to be hungry for success to want success.
15) You got to truly give of yourself without any mental reservation to truly
receive the gifts that God can and will bestow upon you.
16) You got to understand that there is a reason and purpose for everything.
17) You got to make things in your mind materialize in your Life.
18) You got to balance yourself out no matter what.

Now, we don't know where these 18 things that were instilled in us came from.., but we sincerely hope that you read to this point.

Furthermore, we've shared these "you-got-tos" with a Colleague named Tiffanie Tillman, President & CEO of the Virtual Professionals. She stated that one of her "you-got-tos" was, " Putting God and Family 1st".

Finally, if you are having a hard time finding the relevance of this discussion to business, then, try to apply them to whatever it is you do. Fore, you may find it to be helpful in some way.

But, don't believe us, what are your "you-got-tos"?

So, what do you think?

C. Henry Adams
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
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