Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Should We Be Weary Of Data Mining Techniques Used To Gather Intelligence From Us On The Internet?

Lately, I have not been living up to the amusing side of my personality, because I had to literally cut out my attitude to fit within 2000 characters.

Someone said, "So what C. Henry, who cares".

Well, I guess you will care about this story when I finish telling it.

Why? Its about you. Someone said, "And how so, C. Henry?"

On the Internet you are never alone, you are constantly tracked and you constantly leave some sort of trail.

What is it that watches you?

Cookies and Special Tokens installed on your Computer or the Computers you utilized.

Someone said, "Well, I don't have a PC (Personal Computer), I have a PDA
(Personal Data Assistant)".

Not only are you tracked by where ever you go on the Internet, but you can be tracked by Antennas and Satellites when you carry the PDA.

Note: It's Marketing Research so don't panic.

According to the Author Harry Newton - The 22nd Edition of Newton's Telecom Dictionary page 280, data mining refers to using sophisticated data search capabilities that use statistical algorithms to discover patterns and correlations in data.

What!!!? Ok, there are Companies watching you on the Internet and calculating where we are going next while browsing the Internet, a result of data mining.

You don't believe me?

Well, if you frequent a web site where alot of ads are displayed, for the next seven days try this little non-scientific experiment.

Go only to a set number (Ex.Visit 4 Web Sites) of the same websites of major companies that week from Monday thru Friday.

Starting on Wednesday during that time, note 1 to 3 online ads displayed.
(Ex. If you goto Publix Supermarket Website, look for food related ads.)

Saturday, tally your findings and determine if we are correct.

Note: Your whereabouts are always tracked.

Why? Because you create a pattern.

But, don't believe us..study data mining yourself.

So, what do you think?


C. Henry Adams
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
Follow Me On Twitter! http://twitter.com/chenryadams
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