Monday, May 23, 2016

What is it to know about SBA’s Scorecard

Monday Morning Contracting Tips

Dannie E. James Sr
JE Group LLC
Phone: 404-557-0027

According to the SBA, its annual Scorecard is an assessment tool to:

1) measure how well federal agencies reach their small business and socio-economic prime contracting and subcontracting goals,

2) provide accurate and transparent contracting data, and

3) report agency-specific progress.
Every year, the SBA works with each agency to set their prime and subcontracting goals and their grades are based on the agreed upon goals.  Each federal agency has a different small business contracting goal, determined annually in consultation with SBA.  SBA ensures that the sum total of all of the goals exceeds the 23 percent target established by law.
The individual agency scorecards released by SBA, as well as a detailed explanation of the scorecard methodology, is available online at:
Since SBA started the current small business procurement scorecard methodology in FY 2009, six agencies have received a grade of “A+” or “A” seven fiscal years in a row (FY 2009 through FY 2015):  the Departments of Agriculture, Homeland Security, Interior, Labor, Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The overall federal small business prime contracting performance released on April 28, 2016 by the SBA, as well as a detailed explanation of the calculations, is available online at

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