Monday, November 30, 2015

Healthcare In America

by C. Henry Adams

Over the course of the development regarding BIE MG Blogs, passion expressed in articles regarding the ACA or Obamacare was posted several times.

After thorough reviews, it is duly noted that one's opinion regarding the 'Healthcare Law' is just that; an opinion not necessarily expressed or agreed upon at BIE Companies, by its Agents or Associates.

However, out of concern, I will just state facts going forward regarding Healthcare in America, the United States.

1) It is Law of the land in the USA that you get Healthcare Insurance or be penalized financially.  Why?  Because, this law is a tax according to the U.S. Supreme Court.

2) In the USA, Healthcare Insurance with or without tax subsidies is high in cost.

3) People are putting off medical treatments whether they have Healthcare Insurance or not according to a recent Gallup Article on November 30th 2015.

4) Twenty-three (23) Healthcare Co-ops went out of business, regardless of  ANY political parties reasoning.

Ok, those are my thoughts and concerns, what might you say?


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