Wednesday, January 29, 2014

UPDATE: Committee Meeting for HB714 Canceled?

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams do not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

By C. Henry Adams

It appears that the meeting regarding an amendment to House Bill 714 that would
stop certain Hard-Working School Employees from seeking Unemployment in the off season was canceled Monday, January 28th 2014.

This particular meeting was scheduled by the Georgia Legislative House Committee called,  " Industry and Labor ".
I can hear someone asking, " What is an amendment?"  

My  Reply:  1. A way to make a change or add to a law.  ( C. Henry Adams made-up definition. ) 
2. an addition, alteration, or improvement to a motion, document, etc.  ( Free's definition. )

For Clarification Purposes Only:
HB714 is currently a Georgia law.  Here is a link to the amendment that is being introduced.  

Note:  You must have an Adobe PDF Reader installed in your computer to read the document.

Here is the interesting thing about the HB714;  May 9th 2009 this bill passed in Regular Session.

Below, is a summary of the bill at that time:


A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend an Act providing a new charter for the City of Norcross, approved March 28, 1990 (Ga. L. 1990, p. 4934), as amended, particularly by an Act approved April 5, 1993 (Ga. L. 1993, p. 4727) and by an Act approved March 25, 1996 (Ga. L. 1996, p. 3666), so as to change the terms of the mayor and city councilmembers; to provide that the mayor and councilmembers shall be elected by a plurality; to provide for submission of this Act for preclearance under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Alright, then comes January the 12th of 2012,  whereas, an amendment was made to HB714 to add the use of defibrillators on site at such facilities at all times for use during emergencies, however,  25% progress was made regarding that amendment.  Thus, its works died in the committee meeting and still is pending.

Furthermore, during January 15th 2014, an amendment was introduce regarding the determination of eligibility for unemployment benefits of certain people performing certain services to the HB714.

Well, since the Industry and Labor Committee canceled the meeting Monday, January 27th 2014 and it snowed in the Atlanta Metro area Tuesday, January 28th 2014, perhaps we should wait while watching out for the next time this particular amendment shows up on the Georgia Legislative Calendar for the House.

So, what do you think?

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