Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gone Atlanta Braves And The Economy Too...

Warning!  I maybe updating these comments while you are reading.  LOL

by   C. Henry Adams

Sorry,  but I did not have time during the rush hour to go by the 1996 built stadium in downtown Atlanta to snap a picture of it.  Now it (Turner Field Atlanta Fulton County Stadium)  is possibly slated for demolition.

Sorry, but it appears the people living in the Summer Hill and Mechanicsville Communities don't have a say regarding the future of the stadium as well.

I was on facebook today when a very good facebook friend posed a question to the Mayor of Atlanta regarding this outcome and wrote this acronym following her comment - " smh " or  " shake my head ".

Disclaimer:  I do not claim to know if the Mayor of Atlanta can see the person I'm not mentioning, facebook page, but I can...

To shake your head means to NOT understand or this is crazy, don't make sense or ridiculous in my professional opinion.

Somebody asked,  " So, what should we do next -  C. Henry?"

My Reply:  Huh?  You asking me?   Well, I guess it depends on how you see the glass.  Is it half full or half empty?

Here is what I see....  an opportunity to introduce another Major League Baseball Team to Atlanta, the South, the Country and perhaps the World.

Then I would guess somebody else would come behind the person to say...

" Ain't nobody got that kind of money, C. Henry! "

My Reply:  My late father use to say, if you don't have a job, create one.

Perhaps there is a need to create a New Team, Sports of something.

Let's Do Something...

Atlanta, State of Georgia, Southeastern Region of the USA or whoever, please consider the option.


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