Saturday, October 16, 2010

Facing Adversities In Life As A Business Owner

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams
Saturday, October 16, 2010 3:00 p.m. EST

Note: This Microblog has been modified.

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Morning World! How are you? Fine, I pray. Topic: Facing Adversities In Life As A Business Owner

Since July of 2009, I have been facing the consequences of one action that I will not soon forget.

It appears that taking "risks" for granted and not thinking things through will cause you to have many regrettable moments.

The risk I've taken have caused me to learn not one, but many hard lessons. Adversity is created through making wrong choices in life.

To overcome adversity, you must resist the temptation to give-in, give-out or give-up. Furthermore, you must accept consequences of your action.

In many instances, I have pulled what I will call a "Star Trek". Boldly go where No "AFRAID" Man has gone before.

Some have called me - "CRAZY". While others have shown respect. But, the ultimate reward is not recognition. Its the ability to OVERCOME.

I leave you with this question, in this recession. Are you, as a 'Business Owner' or just an 'Extraordinary Person'- ready to overcome your Adversity in Life?

This has been A Microblog (RSS) Broadcast, brought to you by Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. | (404) 348-8319 |

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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