Saturday, October 31, 2009

14 Things About Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. description in the words of President and CEO, C. Henry Adams:

For eleven years we have been describing Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. or "B", "I", "E", as a business development and telecommunications consulting firm.

But, people still ask, "So, what does that mean, C. Henry?"

Well, respectfully it means the following:

* BIE is a Local, State and US Federal Government Contractor.

* BIE is a Veteran owned and operated company with a HUBZone Certification.

* BIE is a Web Development Provider of a variety of services from Internet Marketing, SEO, Web Design, PHP/MySQL and Web Hosting Advisory Consulting with maintenance.

* BIE is a Cyber Security Consulting Firm registered with Rapid 7 as a Consultant for its line of Vulnerability Software and Applications.

* BIE is a Marketing Firm capable of placing your small to medium sized business on Television, Radio, in Periodicals, on the Internet and up on Billboards through its unique economic marketing plans with superb multimedia development.

* BIE is a Multimedia Designer capable of creating unique logos, brochures, posters, post cards and business cards with an array of Photographers, Graphic Artist, as well as, a Courier to literally deliver the product if needed.

* BIE has personnel registered with the US Copyright Office available to assist an individual or organization in the submission of artwork, electronic documents, literature, music and patents.

* BIE is a research firm that specialize in the review and analysis of advance telecommunications technology.

* BIE possess a Team of Experts in various fields of electronics and telecommunications ready to create, install and repair total security systems with a greater emphasis on security camera network development.

* BIE possess a Team of Experts in various fields of electronics and telecommunications proficient in the installation and repair of low voltage wiring such as telephone, CAT 5, CAT6, Coaxial Cable, and Fiber Optics; this includes a large majority of internal networking components.

* With multiple Web 2.0 and Social Network connections, BIE promotes small to enterprise business daily while transmitting around the World at the speed of light.

* BIE gives it support to the Guard and Reserve. If any employee or subcontractor (Individual) is called up to active duty, BIE guarantees them employment when they return from serving our country as long as there is work.

* BIE is a company that will provide you with a professional analysis, quote, contract and invoice consisting of a detailed report of the work performed.

* BIE is Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

It was my pleasure pointing out fourteen (14) things that describe our company. Please feel free to give us a call at (404) 348-8319 for any questions or concerns. Visit us on the web @ Sphere: Related Content

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