Saturday, September 19, 2009

Taking "The Fifth" on a Health Care Insurance Bill in America

In 1970, I was born in the now defunct Holy Family Hospital (Formerly called, Southwest Community Hospital). Currently, there is a need to re-open this facility to serve the people of that area in Atlanta, Georgia.

Today, I'm a 39 year old male of African American descent with the mindset of a moderate conservative.

Currently, we own a small ("struggling to stay alive") business with no foreseeable health care insurance to cover our contractually obligated employees. Is this a nightmare waiting to happen? How 'bout, far beyond that scenario- and if we don't continue to subsist, maintain or grow this business in the midst of an economic storm it will no doubt get worst.

But, the real question remains, do American Citizens and Small Business Owners like myself need health care insurance and at what cost?

Allow us to answer that question. Yes, we need health care insurance- absolutely and at no cost or if any at an affordable cost.

As a US Citizen or Small Business Owner, I'm for an affordable health care insurance bill that is non-enforceable by the Federal Government.

Below is three reasons why we say non-enforceable health care insurance bill:

1) We do not want to receive a Felony for failure to maintain health care insurance that could come with a fine ranging from $750.00 USD to $950.00 as an individual.

2) We do not want to receive a Felony for failure to maintain health care insurance that could range with a fine from $1500.00 USD to $3800.00 USD for not supporting our family.

3) We do not want to receive a Felony for failure to maintain health care insurance that could range with a fine from $1500.00 USD to $3800.00 USD for not supporting our small business.

It is perhaps simply ludicrous for us to even speak out against a bill that our President (Mr. Obama), who we voted for- might support.

But, we ask the people in our Federal Government to reconsider sections in a bill that will mandate a felony and fine for 46 Million Plus People according to the U.S. Consensus for 2008 who may not have health care insurance if this bill becomes law due to the circumstances or financial burdens a large number of us now face.

As US Citizens, we can't really speak for nobody but ourselves.

But respectfully, and in all humility we ask that a barter system of some kind be implemented to make this health care insurance bill work, plus that it help lower the cost of living in some form.

If not, we take the fifth amendment regardless to protect our thoughts, ourselves and business.

These are thoughts and opinions, so what do you think?

C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

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