Saturday, May 23, 2009

Learning To Separate Business From Pleasure On Social Networks Like Facebook

It appears that non-profane words from an individual's mouth are just as damaging as profanity in our society today in my opinion?

Thus, it is important even in the Virtual World to separate business from pleasure. When writing statements on facebook ("Facebook") if you use profanity or not while speaking in a personal regard in an environment you created for commerce, you may jeopardize the opportunity of performing work for future clients.

So, some would argue that a simple solution would be to create two different accounts and maintain these important substances in your life apart.
But, let's say you don't have time to make two Facebook accounts (A Personal or Business Account), what do you do?

Well, here are some suggestions below:

1) If you are utilizing Facebook to attract attention to your business as an enhancement to advertisement in my opinion, do not air your personal affairs.

2) If you are single, married or in a relationship; have any and all romantic
comments directed away from your Facebook Business related site to an email address, telephone call, private chat, private text between that person; not on Twitter.

3) If you are concern that someone will make a comment on the Wall of your Facebook Business related site; remove the ability for "Everyone" to write or leave comments on your wall.

Now, evidently- I have become notorious for having a comment displayed on any Facebook Page where I write, then, later it disappears. Clearly, this is my prerogative , but in the best interest of my company's reputation, we carry-on this process.

It is important that as a business man, I censor myself and watch what I state. So many times have I made comments showing the human side of me without utilizing that professional side. Thus, some necessary corrections had to come into play.

It is amazing how many different people could interpret common language in many different ways. So, that being said, often times...I actually double and triple what I write and try to imagine how it effects someone's life. Why? Well, first I care and second I like to earn wages in the form of money.

Now, I'm not here to tell you how to run your business in relations to marketing enhancements like Facebook or other Social Networks utilizing Web 2.0, but
it would be worth a shot (figure of speech) to consider what is said here.

So, what do you think? Is it important to separate business from pleasure
even in the World of Web 2.0 and Social Networks?

C. Henry Adams
Follow Me On Twitter!

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the other day here:
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