Saturday, December 26, 2015

Technically, Saturday December 26th 2015 is the last day of 2015

by C. Henry Adams

As a joke, I thought of stating that technically, Saturday December 26th 2015 should be the last day of the year, since it is the last day of the 52nd Week in a Year.

But, at this point - I will refrain from making such a comment by reason of the World having utilize the Gregorian Calendar ever since 1582 or approximately 433 years ago.

I would attempt to state that,  if a system such as this particular calendar has last on the Planet Earth as a result of the celestial body cycling while rotating around a star to which we call the Sun for four (4) centuries, three (3) decades and 3 years, then why change it now?

Perhaps somebody would say, " Global Warming, that's why! "

Or someone else would write a paper regarding the Gregorian Calendar and Climate Change in 2008:

Having experience a noticeable climate change in Atlanta, Georgia from December 24th through the 26th of 2015; is it a wake up call?

Well, these are my thoughts, what say you?   Thanks for reading my commentary, we greatly appreciate you.

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Friday, December 25, 2015

Route To An $8 Million Portfolio Started With Frugal Living - WSJ

Ronald Read may have spent years pumping gas, but he was even more adept at pumping up his portfolio.

Mr. Read, a longtime resident of Brattleboro, Vt., died in June at the age of 92. His friends were shocked when they learned his estate was valued at almost $8 million. Long widowed and with two stepchildren, he left most of his money to a local hospital and library.

So how did he manage to pull it off? Besides being a good stock picker, he displayed remarkable frugality and patience—which gave him many years of compounded growth.

Click the link below to read more details:

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Merry Christmas! Reflection of 2015
Yes, Climate / Weather Change is Real

by C. Henry Adams

For as long as I can remember, I don't think I've ever seen rain or 70 degree F weather on Christmas Eve in Atlanta, Georgia.

Some people blame the weather conditions on Man; others warn of God's Wrath. At this point, I choose to think positive and be thankful for seeing another day on this great Earth.

Being a Realist and Optimist is who I am.    According to Past Weather Events for North and Central Georgia since the year 2008, no unusual weather patterns like the current conditions of rain were recorded on the date of December 24th in Atlanta, Georgia.

Should I think negative about this wet weather?  No. 

Fore, I have no control of it. Furthermore, there are people somewhere in this World suffering from drought.

So, what should I do?

Well, I guess the answer would be to continue celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

But, if the weather starts to get me down, because of so much rain; I can always reflect on the positive things viewed this year in 2015.

After all, this is the 52nd week or officially the last full week of seven (7) days in the year of 2015.

When I reflect on the last 358 days of 2015, I see the sun rising.

I recall chocolate and vanilla ice cream with a side of punch at a Birthday Party.  I envision Bar-B-Que cooked on the grill during the Summer time. I imagine walking from the CNN Building and catching site of a beautiful evening in the ATL.

Atlanta, the State of Georgia and the Southeastern Region of the USA is a great place to live, gain an education and develop a small business in 2016.

Those are my thoughts, so what say you?  Thanks for reading my commentary.

Merry Christmas and let's all have a Happier New Year in 2016.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

BIE Companies Sharing Business Intelligence

by C. Henry Adams

For a number of years, BIE Companies have been sharing news obtain from the Internet that could prove to be beneficial to Entrepreneurs, Small Business or Non-Profit Organizations.

It is our intent to enlighten the World in one small corner of space and time to which we exist and dwell.

Perhaps, the easiest way to perform this act is to share snippets of a topic while identifying facts.

Or simply post an article written by a person of an organization that tends to suggest facts more so than opinion.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do intend to continue to voice my opinion, but improving the way we bring you this particular blog, is our main objective.

So, starting on December 23rd 2015, you will see snippets of articles leading to mostly positive, informative topics or press releases from other sources within this blog.

Please stay tune.


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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bulter Street Community Development Corporation - "Give A Child A Smile"

by C. Henry Adams

On Saturday December 19th 2015, the 352nd day of the year, the 51st week of 2015;  I had the honor to volunteer along with the Brothers of the Historical Gate City Lodge Number 42 of the MWPHGLGA at the "Give A Child A Smile" Event sponsored by the Butler Street Community Development Corporation.

This event was located at 17 Jesse Hill Junior Drive in the Gym across from the Notable Butler Street YMCA within the Sweet Auburn Avenue Memorable Atlanta City District Number Two.

According to the Bible, "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven."

On that note, enough about me and my Fellow Brothers.  Therefore,  I would like to commend the Butler Street Community Development Corporation for serving over 200 meals to everyone.

Furthermore, 50 bicycles with Safety Helmets were given away to some very happy children; who could not wait until Christmas Day to ride them; even while the Devil set-off the Fire Alarm in the Gymnasium. 

Whereas, Santa Helpers passed out 150 gifts to many elated children and grateful parents.

Thank you Butler Street Community Development Corporation and their Board Members; we greatly appreciate your service to Atlanta, Georgia.

These are my thoughts.  So, what say you?  Thanks for reading this commentary, we greatly appreciate you.

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Why Is The Atlanta Fulton County Public Library Blocking Search Engine Websites On Free WiFi?

by C. Henry Adams

For months and I mean for months, the Atlanta-Fulton County Public Library System has been blocking Wifi Access to certain web sites such as Google.

You can call me a Nerd, if you are so bold to approach me in the wrong manner or not.  I'm stating a fact.

A Matter of  Fact, I'm writing this blog while seated in the Central Library located at
One Margaret Mitchell Square, Atlanta, GA 30303.  How?  I'm utilizing my own personal Hotspot!

This is ridiculous!   I should be able to come to the library in Atlanta or Fulton County to use their Internet Free of Charge as a Tax Paying Citizen and not to be restricted from Internet Search Engines such as Google or Yahoo!

Yes, I'm screaming!  In a silent way of course, while seated in the Library.

Well, you read my thoughts, what might say you?  Thanks!  Oh yes, please share this blog with the Good Folks on the Board for the Atlanta Fulton County Public Library, they need to hear this...

Thanks for reading my commentary.  

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Understanding The Rational
Board Of Governors Decision - FRB

by C. Henry Adams

On Wednesday, December 16th 2015, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, better known as, the Federal Reserve Bank ("FRB") raise the interest rate in the United States Banking System. 

Since the US Dollar is one of the four major currency (U.S. dollar, euro, Japanese yen, and pound sterling) on Earth; up until the Chinese Renminbi (RMB) becomes the fifth currency, effective October 1, 2016 .   The FRB decision will likely have an effect in the World Market.

Basically, this means the Governors of the Federal Reserve System saw the following things in the USA:

1) People and Business(es) appear to be spending money in recent months.
2) People appear to be renting, leasing or buying homes.
3) People appear to be getting employed in recent months.
4) Energy prices, such as gasoline to drive vehicles appear in decline.
5) Measurements regarding the US Market are down.

I can hear someone say, " C. Henry, how do you know that to be true?"  My Reply:  I read it in the 'News Release'  here:

 Nevertheless, to follow the Governors of the Federal Reserve System's double or dual mandate (objectives).  They decided to help increase employment and keep prices stable in the US Marketplace.

They anticipate that inflation will rise about 2 percent as energy cost decline.  Perhaps this will cause employment to increase.  

Basically,  the Governors of the Federal Reserve System monitors the economy closely and made a judgement on their findings. Plus, they have set a goal for inflation and will act upon it accordingly.

Perhaps owning US Treasury Bonds are a good thing these days; those are my thoughts.

So, what say you?  Thanks for reading, I greatly appreciate you.

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