Monday, January 13, 2014

XL Academics Efforts To Stop College Level Education From Depleting

by Staff Writer

According to a recent US Census News Release Sept. 3, 2013,  college enrollment in fall 2012 plunged by half a million (467,000) from one year earlier.

Of the Males for all Races enrolled October 2012, according to the US Census   Table 5 ( Type of College and Year Enrolled for College Students 15 Years Old and Over, by Age, Sex, Race, Control of School, Attendance Status, and Enrollment Status) ; on average for all colleges enrollment for males the 1st year was 2,200.  But, by the fourth year it decline to 1,560.  For more information, download the spreadsheet file here.

Of the Females for all Races enrolled October 2012, according to the US Census  Table 5 ( Type of College and Year Enrolled for College Students 15 Years Old and Over, by Age, Sex, Race, Control of School, Attendance Status, and Enrollment Status) ; on average for all colleges enrollment for females the 1st year was 2,687.  But, by the fourth year it decline to 1,223.  For more information, download the spreadsheet file here.

The decline in enrollment is a serious factor in the depreciation of the US Economy.

When individuals are not advancing in life and have no sense of direction, communities experience hardships as a result of the decrease in the management of resources.

This is likely due to the failure to fulfill highly skilled jobs or careers that require years of training.

Wisdom comes from knowledge.  Without the knowledge of how to manage your time, your financial responsibilities or even being guided by those people ( Elders or Mentors ) before you in life; perhaps one could be lost in our society.

XL Academics of Rockford, Illinois identified these problems faced by Business(es), Communities and Government.   Realizing that youth lack direction in their daily lives, XL Academics created several unique platforms to help resolve these very serious issues.

For the sake of time and to encourage you to visit their website or XL Academics Facebook Page, we decided to point out one of the greatest platforms developed called, " XL University ".

What is the XL University Platform?   Well, it is a series of performances that specifically caters to College Students.

It aids College Students by giving them guidance on how to manage their time, better obtain fiscal responsibility and help them to enter into business relationships with companies via Mentor-ship or Internship Programs.

For more information about XL Academics, please feel free to call them at 815-880-7373.

Currently,  XL Academics gives support in the States of Illinois and Georgia.

XL Academics
5411 East State Street, #385
Rockford, IL 61108

 'LIKE'  XL Academics on Facebook!

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The Fate Of An Old Neighborhood And The 2040 Plan.

By  C.  Henry Adams

Its interesting to note that just yesterday while performing an odd job for a Neighbor in my Neighborhood ( " Village " ), another neighbor mentioned that we were possibly under siege by Transportation Authorities or something much bigger wanting to take portions of our residential area.  By the way, this was NOT the first person of several individuals to mention these things to me.

You see,  the village that I grew up in is caught between two Interstates (I-285 and I-20) and MARTA.

It was discovered that MARTA wanted to come through our area possibly a decade or more ago, as well as, other powers to be just a few years ago mentioned widening I-20 on our side of the Interstate.

No wonder Linkwood Road in Atlanta have no sidewalks or why Collier Heights Elementary School building no longer exist. (Possible False Assumptions)   Wait, maybe I'm being paranoid.

Let's see, the community called, 'Collier Heights' was originally divided into ( 4 ) four quadrants.  Why is Quadrant 1 and not 2, 3, or 4 designated as historical districts?   Would the real reason be about plans such as 2040?

You know what,  maybe I'm being paranoid.  

Well anyway, I guess its best to let the facts that we do know, speak for themselves.

So, what do you think?

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Taking Action West Of Atlanta

by  C. Henry Adams :

I recall as a child growing up to fear in the City of Atlanta at a certain period of time which was eventually overcome through my faith in God. 

This particular terrible feeling that I mention also gripped my friends as well due to the events of the missing and murdered children in Atlanta during the late 1970's.

Before someone can ask, " What type of fear?"   My answer is the fear of someone kidnapping a child to which would result in them being found dead.

But, before we go any further,  I want to stop right here and point out that this frightening incident was and is a crime.

That being said, it is 2014, a new year and a new beginning for individuals, groups of people , as well as, small business in Atlanta to say the least.

Crime is the act of someone or a group of people who have decided to break the Laws of the Land while mistreating other people in the process.

That MAY NOT be a good enough definition of a Crime, but my point here is that I'm fed up with crime occurring in my community.

Why am I fed up with crime?

Please see the bullet points below :

1)  Crime lowers the economic status and potential of a particular area.

2)  Crime makes the streets I travel on dangerous at anytime of the day or night.

3)  Crime in an area can give that district a NEGATIVE name or connotation which means people living and thriving there will start to avoid it.

4)  Crime does not benefit the vast majority of people and the few thieves it does benefit eventually become incarcerated or end up dead sooner than later.

5)  Crime gives poverty a very bad name.   Not all people impoverish are criminals.  In fact, many great minds have evolve from living in low income situations.

6)  Crime brings about ignorance.

7)  Crime is often associated with trash, waste and illegal dumping seen on the streets, in wooded areas, creeks, as well as, in neighborhoods where people dwell.

When I was a child, I recall a PSA or Public Service Announcement saying stuff like, " Take a bite out of crime. "

I understood then that taking a bite out of crime was to stop crime.  

Today, I have associated an experience with crime, define the term of "crime" to the best of my ability and identified seven negative results of what crime can do to our lives.

Yet, to stop crime or at least to lower the chance of crime occurring in our homes, neighborhoods, communities and the City of Atlanta ; actions should be taken and considered by all of us as follows:

1)  Speak out against crime, get to know your neighbors and rally together to watch out for each other and their belongings.

2)  If  you see something on your street, in your neighborhood and or even the community- that appears  " Not Normal or Not Right ", call the Police - dial 911 and specifically ask them to come out to perform a " Welfare Check ", if it is NOT an Emergency.

Why should you dial 911 and specifically ask for a  " Welfare Check "?   Well, because the Life you might SAVE, might truly be your own.

3)  If you see trash laying around in the yard of your house, please consider picking it up and disposing it into the trash can.   If you feel driven to pick up trash in your neighborhood, be careful - wear gloves, bright clothes and or a reflected vest.   If you are able to motivate others to help you pick up debris, please do so willingly.  

Why pick up the trash?  Well, it might help lower the crime level to a certain extent while giving a boost to the economy in your area.  People appear to like dwelling in clean environments.

4) Consider saying positive things about your home, your neighborhood and community when talking to others.

Sometimes bad news travels fast and is often damaging whether you are aware of it or not.

5) Consider creating an alert system where all of your family, neighbors, friends and business colleagues living or working near your neighborhood can be contacted immediately in the event that a potential criminal act, natural /or man-made disaster occur in your neighborhood or community.


A) The City of Atlanta Police has an Emergency Alert System to sign up for as well.

B)  MARTA Police Department has a ' See and Say ' App to download to ask for help.

C)  Fulton County Police Department offers Community Oriented Policing Services.

D)  If you have a tip to stop crime in Atlanta, visit Crime Stoppers.

E)  The Georgia Association of Broadcasters offers GA AlertNewsNet for missing persons. Their web site might be a great location to bookmark and use to find lost love ones.

F) Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) offers Ready Georgia, it is a great resource and alert system to have regarding Natural and Man made Disasters.

6) Consider speaking cordially to your neighbors from time to time.  Be aware of your surroundings at all times, be familiar with the regular people who come and go often in your area.

7) Caring about others as you would care about yourself helps fight against crime.

So, what do you think?

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Press Release: Update Regarding BIE networks


PRESS RELEASE:   01/04/2014
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise,  Inc.
dba ' BIE networks '
Corp. Headquarters Mail stop
PO Box 757
Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122 USA
(404) 348 - 8319

 Comments from the Chairman C.  Henry Adams 
Currently, BIE networks is experiencing some technical difficulties. We were working throughout Friday Night and Saturday Morning trying to identify the hang up. Please stay tune for more details. Thanks! 

Question and Answer Section:

Q:  What is BIE networks?

A:   BIE networks is a content delivery network that locally and regionally streams media to multiple devices - Desktop Computers, Laptop Computers, Tablets, and  several Mobile Devices ( iPhone & Android OS).

Q:  It was understood that it would be launched by January 1st 2014 - is that true?

A:  January 1st 2014 is the beta testing stage launch date of the streaming media service.

Q:  Where will this service focus its attention?

A:   Fully functional, we expect to offer the service in eight (8) southeastern States of the United States in local and rural areas.

Q:  Will this service be a video text message service?

A:   No.

Q:  Will this service offer unique features not fully utilized in the United States and can BIE networks reveal those features?

A:  BIE networks will offer unique features, some of which have already been reveal in a recent press release, however, all features to be implemented, will be tested.   We will reveal more features as we implement them in the beta testing period.

Q:  Who will benefit from this particular service?

A:   The consumer, small to medium-sized business, as well as, non-profit organizations will benefit from BIE networks services.   We are offering
something different in the way you see the World around you, something new regarding media programming  and something that places a positive twist on everyday lives.

Q:  What is the purpose of the beta testing period?

A:   The beta testing period was put into place to get the bugs out of the system under development.  In the process, it will become the proof of our concept. 


C. Henry Adams

10/31/2013   Press Release

12/16/2013   Newsletter and Invitation

BIE networks

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

How Do You Manage A Complexity?

by C. Henry Adams :

Below are excerpts from a recent Facebook Discussion:

How do you manage a complexity ( referring to anything in life that is humanly made complex)?

My Late Father (ML Adams) answered this question by stating the opposite.

He said, " You take a whole bunch of simple things, put them together to create a complexity ( complex thing / or situation)".

Thus, to manage a complexity, you break it down into simple things.  CH Adams


Somebody said, "OK, Mr. Smartie Pants C. Henry Adams; give us an example of how and what your Dad said that actually applied in real life?"

My Reply: One of many Simple Examples and Lessons He ( My Late Father) taught was when I was a child... I was tasked or given the chore of raking the large backyard of leaves during the fall. I would guess the yard was nearly half an acre.

Utilizing his ( My Late Father) saying ( "You take a whole bunch of simple things, put them together to make a complexity") in reverse, I successfully rake the entire backyard in a timely manner, thus giving me time to go play with my friends.

He taught lessons in forward and reverse to say the least.  { No, to my knowledge - Dr. Howard Gardner and my late Father never met or knew each other.  LOL }

What this means is, if I was given a task to perform which appeared to be a problem to "Me".

He would in turn invoke me to " think (create a Plan of Action), know ( Try the plan, see what works and don't work) and then act ( Once you have sought out what worked, apply it the way you practice it or accordingly.)".

Regarding the leaves mentioned above, I figured if I raked leaves in small enough piles, then I could manage the collection; it would be easier for me to dispose of them quickly. The more piles of leaves disposed of... the less space of leaves covering the backyard. Once, I realized that I developed a technique, it was not hard to develop a system - an organized or established procedure from deductive reasoning.

Was a lesson taught or a series of lessons taught by my late Father? 

What do you think?

Hey, like BIE Media Group and me on Facebook.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

132 Years Later Morris Brown College

by C. Henry Adams :

On a cold, wet and dreary afternoon, Saturday, December 14th 2013, I walked into a well lit, warm gym to the sounds of a "LIVE" Gospel Band  - also consisting of a choir of twenty-five or more singers.

It was not a concert that I observed, instead it was the Praise Team warming up the audience before the " Day of Praise & Thanksgiving Celebration " began.

It appears that when African Methodist Episcopalians have great news to share, they spare no expense to thank and praise God before revealing it.

In short, the service started with praise, comments, prayers, introduction of the main speaker, then the introduction of the main speaker's attorney who represented Morris Brown College to which he the Attorney reveals the great news regarding the college situation.

I can hear someone saying, " What's your point C. Henry? "

My Reply :
Well, you heard my story, here is my point within the story.   Morris Brown College ("MBC") started off 16 months ago with major threats of foreclosure and $34 Million Dollars in debt.

MBC filed for bankruptcy, reduced their debt from $34 Million Dollars of debt to $7.5 Million Dollars of debt.

Whereas, the AME Church is the only creditor ( $7.5 Million Dollars ) that MBC owes now.  Incidentally, the AME Church is the parent organization of MBC.

Furthermore, MBC has created a collaboration with WH Solis and Pope for a Land Development Plan to say the very least.  This plan requires MBC to sell certain properties.

Furthermore, MBC plans to support and educate US Veterans, they have setup a Student Internship Program and entered into creating a curriculum based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

This is a brief synopsis of the MBC Plan exiting Bankruptcy.

Hopefully, the US Federal Bankruptcy Court will approve their plan.  If so,  MBC will then move to regain accreditation in 12 to 18 months, while paying back the AME Church $6.4 Million Dollars of debt.

So, what do you think?

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cobb's Transparency Ha!

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams do not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by C. Henry Adams:

You know, this commentary will start off with this...  LOL ( Laugh out Loud )    I would not put my trust in the communications plan per say after reading the Atlanta Business Chronicle the morning of December 11th 2013.  I would continue to put my trust in my God.

Why, the fact remains clear, someone in Cobb County saw an opportunity with the Atlanta Braves and powers that be, then took it upon themselves to seize a money maker WITHOUT making any of the deal public.

Was it right, as a Georgia Citizen concern about the economic development of Atlanta , Georgia; I don't - "NO".

Transparent or Transparency means that there is no veal (veil), no hiding, no secret deal; it means the business of something is clear.

Why would anyone trust someone or entity that says, " For now on, we will practice transparency?"

This simply means for now on, trust in your God and verify any business dealings with Cobb County in my opinion.

" Know what you are getting into, before you get into it. "   ML Adams

What do you think?

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